Call for Applications for the “Fulbright Visiting Scholars” Program

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Call for Applications for the “Fulbright Visiting Scholars” Program

Call for Applications for the “Fulbright Visiting Scholars” Program

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research invites Algerian teacher-researchers holding a doctorate or equivalent degree and residing in Algeria to submit their applications for the “Fulbright Visiting Scholars” program, initiated by the U.S. Embassy

Program Objective: The program offers selected candidates the opportunity to conduct research or teach at American higher education institutions for a period of 3 to 6 months

Application Deadline: The call for applications is open until December 7, 2024

:Useful Resources

Details of the call for applications: (This call corresponds to the 4th listing of offers on the site)*

Online application platform:*

Contact: [email protected]*

Important Note: After completing the online application, a copy of the application dossier must be sent to the following email address: [email protected] no later than Sunday,

December 8, 2024, at 09:00 AM

note d'information

المزيد من المقالات

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الأحداث الجامعية
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