أيام إعلامية حول برامج ERASMUS +

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أيام إعلامية حول برامج ERASMUS +

Infodays on the international dimension of the Erasmus+ Programme and on CBHE – 2023 Call


 les liens des infodays (en ligne) sur le programme ERASMUS pour l’appel 2023

1. The *international dimension* of the *Erasmus+ Programme*: focus
on *newcomers


1. The *international dimension* of the *Erasmus+ Programme*: focus
on *Latin
America and Caribbean* *(29/11/2022):*


1. The *international dimension* of the *Erasmus+ Programme*: focus
on *Sub-Saharan
Africa* *(01/12/2022):*


1. General Infoday on *Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education


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