نتائج إنتقاء الطلبة لمنحة إيراسموس + الى الجامعة السلافية Technical Slovak University بكلية الكيمياء

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Result of selection for Erasmus + Exchange programme to Technical Slovak

University, Slovakia ( Department of Chemistry) 

After the selection process that was held at the Vice rectorate for External  Relations for the student’s Mobility to the Technical Slovak University, Slovakia ( Department of Chemistry). 
The meeting takes place on Monday, November 17th, 2022 at 10:00 Am. At the Rectorate 5th floor at Vice rectorate of External Relations and Cooperation, the committee has selected the following students:
  1. Bounedjar Nourelhouda      ( Chemistry  )
  2. Salmi Chaima       ( Chemical Engineering  )
  3. Abir Ben Aissa ( Chemical Engineering  )

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