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Within the framework of generalizing the training process for teachers in the field of distance teaching techniques and strategies, and in accordance with the correspondence of the Secretary-General of the Ministry, and with the aim of continuing the same strategy established by the guardianship regarding the gradual stabilization of distance education, and to strengthen all institutions with the skills that contribute to:

1) Universalization of distance education for all horizontal and exploratory scales.

2) Supporting in-person teaching with distance teaching, based on several possible pedagogical scenarios, with regard to basic and methodological standards, alternating between them.

We would like to remind you that a self-education training course will be launched starting on February 16 in the form of a winter distance university: “The Winter Electronic University - Distance Teaching Techniques and Strategies -” which represents a new edition of the “Summer Electronic University” that was launched on July 10. Until September 30.

So we ask the professors Those who were appointed before 2016 to register via professional email (the only acceptable one) no later than February 15 via the following link: 

Registration link


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