A meeting of the Secretary-General of the University of the Valley on open doors for health prevention and psychological accompaniment in the university community

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A meeting of the Secretary-General of the University of the Valley on open doors for health prevention and psychological accompaniment in the university community
In implementation of the recommendations of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the directives of the Director of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, the Secretary-General of the University, Dr. Shawqi Mudallal, chaired a coordination meeting on organizing open doors on health and psychological care for students.
The meeting was attended by Dr. Ghorab Rahma, Director of the University's Psychological Assistance Center, and Dr. Mervat Qamari, Head of the Preventive Medicine Unit. The meeting session revolved around how to organize and make a success of the Open Doors activity program on health prevention and psychological accompaniment, which aims to educate students about the importance of health prevention in the university environment, while highlighting the role of preventive medicine and psychological accompaniment units. It was also agreed during the meeting on the date for organizing the open doors event, which will start next November.









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