Announcement of the opening of nominations for the “Five-Star Student” certificate

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Announcement of the opening of nominations for the “Five-Star Student” certificate

In implementation of the policy of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, which includes the creation of a new motivational certificate for students to engage in all areas of university life, called the Five-Star Student Certificate, the state committee in charge of studying and awarding the “Five-Star Student” certificate is pleased to inform male and female students of the commencement of receiving applications for candidacy to obtain a certificate. “Five-star student” according to the attached conditions. Students who meet the conditions and wish to be nominated must apply for the certificate according to the attached link, and submit the following documents electronically according to the attached link. (Photocopy all the documents with the student card and collect them in one file in pdf format. ) 
. 1/ A certificate of rank in the batch (a document provided by the head of the department) on the condition that he is among the top ten percent (for example: when the batch consists of 100 students, he must be among the top 10)
 2/ A certificate proving the conduct of an internship or field visit within the university or in one of the external institutions (the document must be stamped either by the department or college of the receiving institution)
 3/ A certificate proving that training courses have been conducted to develop skills (in foreign languages, in automated media, in management and management skills...) or carrying out sporting and cultural activities, or discussion seminars... etc.) The certificate must be authenticated by accredited institutions or the university’s activities department.
 4/ A certificate proving participation in distance training, or participation in student exchange between universities, whether within the country or international exchange, or movement to Algerian universities for the purpose of training or completion of specialized studies... etc. (a document granted by the receiving institution or by the head of the department, or Indicated by the University Activities Department)
 5/ A document proving participation in solidarity and charitable activities (a plantation campaign, a visit to a hospital, a blood donation campaign, assistance to students with special needs), provided that the document (in the case of submitting a document by a student organization or club) is signed by the head of the department or the department. Activities at the university or a document proving the status of the student representative (cohort representative, class representative, student representative in the disciplinary council, etc.) submitted by the department head. 

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