Algerian-Japanese technical cooperation

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Algerian-Japanese technical cooperation

Within the framework of Algerian-Japanese technical cooperation, I am pleased to send you the attached documents received from the Embassy of Japan in Algeria, which contain the forms to be filled out by higher educational institutions wishing to submit technical cooperation projects through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

Therefore, JICA would like to receive proposals before August 15, 2024, taking into account the following:

  • The project title must include the word “project”.
  • Projects related to “individual expert” and “individual coaching” should not include the word “project”.
  • The project title must not include the name of the country or the type of technical cooperation.
  • The first letters of each word in the project title must be in capital letters.

Please disseminate this appeal widely and submit the completed forms before Monday, August 5, 2024, for timely delivery to the relevant authorities.


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