Launch of the Tripartite Design Thinking Training Courses at Al Wadi University

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Launch of the Tripartite Design Thinking Training Courses at Al Wadi University

Today, February 26, 2024, Professor Omar Farhati, Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, accompanied by Dr. Mohamed Fouad Farhat, Head of the University Interfaces Center, supervised the launch of the three-year training courses on design thinking, business model BMC, and patents for the new batch of graduating students within Resolution 1275 for the 2023/2024 academic year at the University Interfaces Center at the University Pole in Martyrs.
In his speech, the University President stressed the importance of our students’ interaction with the products of Resolution 1275 and the opportunity to train in such scientific and research courses and train students with projects for a graduation thesis, a start-up institution and a patent within Resolution 1275, as the course extends over the days of February 26, 27 and 28, 2024.
The University President also announced the opening of the University Interfaces Center on Saturday to meet the needs of students and utilize the center’s facilities, whether the business incubator, the technology and innovation support center, or the entrepreneurship development center..


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