Islamic Development Bank Award for Outstanding Achievement in Islamic Economics 2025

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 Islamic Development Bank Award for Outstanding Achievement in Islamic Economics 2025

The Islamic Development Bank Group announced the launch of the annual “Effective Achievement in Islamic Economy” Award Competition for the year 2025, in recognition and reward of outstanding achievements of individuals and institutions in the categories of knowledge production and implementation of innovative development solutions guided by the principles of Islam.

It is worth noting that this award is given in only one category each year, alternating between the categories of “Knowledge Contribution” and “Developmental Achievement.” In this regard, The 2025 edition of this award will be dedicated to the “Development Achievement” category.This is in appreciation and encouragement of creative projects that have successfully contributed to addressing the most prominent development challenges of the member countries of the Islamic Development Bank.According to the Islamic Development Bank, those wishing to apply for this competition must do so exclusively through the electronic portal for this award at:

This Before October 30, 2024After this date, the second phase of this nomination will be launched, during which candidates will be allowed to upload the nomination form and related documents before November 3, 2024.

The first three winners of this competition will be rewarded by the Islamic Development Bank with cash prizes of varying value according to each rank:

1.     The first place winner will receive $100,000.

2.     The second will receive $70,000.

3.     The third will receive $30,000.

For more information, please see the attached guide prepared by the Islamic Development Bank on this award.

Algerian professors and researchers in this competition, especially those who have innovative projects that can provide added value to the Islamic economy in general, can submit their candidacy either collectively (in the name of the university or research center) or individually. 

For more information, please see the attached guide.


Concept Paper - Islamic Bank Award

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