University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar opens its 2024/2025 academic year in the presence of local authorities and the governor of the state appreciates its achievements

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     University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar opens its 2024/2025 academic year in the presence of local authorities and the governor of the state appreciates its achievements


 This morning, Tuesday, September 24, 2024, the governor of the state, Said Akrouf, accompanied by the president of the state people's council and the university director, Professor Omar Farhati, supervised the official opening ceremony of the 2024/2025 academic year, in the presence of civil and security authorities, representatives of the revolutionary family, elected officials, representatives of civil society, the media and university family of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, in the Abu Al-Qasim Saadallah Grand Lecture Hall. In his speech, the university director explained the achievements of the University of El Oued at all pedagogical, research and scientific levels, its global rankings and its national and international distinction, thanks to the combined efforts of the university family, the support of local authorities, headed by the governor of the state and all the institutions of our country, and the directives of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Professor Kamal Baddari. The university director mentioned a number of achievements and statistics, as our university was ranked second nationally in the Webometrics ranking and first nationally in the impact factor. On the pedagogical side, more than 6,705 new students joined El Oued University, distributed over more than 22 fields and departments, bringing the total number of students registered for this academic season in the first and second stages to 24,838 students who started their studies today, in addition to postgraduate students whose number exceeded 700 students. 165 doctoral students also graduated in the 2023/2024 academic year, which is an achievement and distinction for El Oued University and the scientific and research facilities it provides. El Oued University benefited this season from 55 doctoral positions distributed over five specializations: computer science, English, biology, agriculture and French. Seven international agreements were concluded for the university within the Erasmus and Erasmus + programs with the countries of Turkey, Spain, Latvia, Malaysia and Italy, and our students benefited from the effectiveness of these programs within the Directorate of External Relations. In the business incubator, El Oued University achieved the first national rank in the number of patents and 165 students were supervised under Resolution 1275. The university students benefited from 8 awareness days, 14 training courses, the creation of 50 micro-enterprises, 78 start-ups, 217 patents, including 54 in 2024, 15 innovative projects under the Labal brand, and 15 patents pending registration. Development and foresight achieved many operations and the completion and maintenance of structures. During this year, 43 new professors were hired, and El Oued University was the first nationally in their training process, a significant number of employees were promoted, and the Social Services Committee was renewed. The University President also listed the achievements of the Higher School of Desert Agriculture within the university campus, which was founded in 2022. The school was launched in 2023 with 422 students supervised by 24 professors and guaranteed training in a state engineering degree and a master's in agricultural sciences. The School of Desert Agriculture in El Oued also benefited from a real estate area estimated at 15 hectares in the municipality of El Bayada. The university services had important achievements within a pedagogical, scientific and residential partnership to provide the best conditions for our students. At the end of his speech, the University President thanked the university family with all its components, students, professors and employees, for this distinction and success, extending special thanks on behalf of the University of El Oued to the governor of the state, the president of the state people's council, the elected officials, the local and security authorities, the revolutionary family and the media family for their interaction and constant support for the university. In the speech announcing the opening and launch of the university season, Mr. Wali praised the achievements of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, thanking Mr. President of the University and through him to the entire university family for their effectiveness and excellence within their scientific, social and economic environment. The Dean of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Dr. Amar Ghraissa, delivered an opening speech addressed by the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research on the occasion, and explained the importance of the university and its role in producing knowledge and the effectiveness of its social and economic environment and in making the possible and in digitizing the university and launching the fourth generation project. The University of El Oued and the Higher School of Saharan Agriculture concluded a cooperation and partnership agreement with the State Agency for the Support and Development of Entrepreneurship under the supervision of the State Governor and the President of the State People's Council within the policy of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Ministry of Knowledge Economy. In conclusion, the opening ceremony witnessed the honoring of all employees of the University's Visual Promotion and Classification Committee. Mr. Wali of the State and the President of the State People's Council and the accompanying delegation, along with the University Director and its executives, witnessed the effectiveness of the launch of classes in the colleges and inspected the structures and equipment of the fourth generation and what the medical annex has. They listened to comprehensive explanations from the University Director, the Deans, and the Director of the Medical Annex. At the end of the visit, the Governor of the State praised the achievements of the University of El Oued and the excellence of its students, professors, and employees, wishing them continued progress, advancement, and success.






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