El Oued University commemorates Science Day

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El Oued University commemorates Science Day

Today, April 16, 2024, Chahid Hama Lakhdar University commemorated Science Day, with the “Book Fair for New Acquisitions for the Year 2023,” which lasts for two days on the first floor of the Central Library.
The exhibition was opened by the University Rector, Professor Omar Farhati, accompanied by his deputies, the Secretary General of the University, the Director of the Central Library and its staff, and the university family, including professors and students.
The Director gave a speech on the occasion of the Science Day, April 16 of each year, to glorify the scholars who spread science, and it is also the anniversary of the death of the scholar “Abdul Hamid Ibn Badis.” He pointed to the new collections for the year 2023, similar to previous years, in various specializations, thanking the Director of the Central Library, Mrs. Adila. They paid for all the efforts made and all the staff of the Central Library responsible for this exhibition.
This exhibition aims to revive the spirit of positive scientific initiative and establish a pedagogical activity in order to bring the library closer to the outside environment, and open the way for learning about the new balance and communicating directly with the beneficiaries to learn more about their suggestions in preparation for the acquisition of references for the year 2024.


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