El Oued University concludes the work of the National Forum on Cybersecurity and Comprehensive Security Challenges in Algeria

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El Oued University concludes the work of the National Forum on Cybersecurity and Comprehensive Security Challenges in Algeria

It concluded today, Tuesday, May 14, 2024 University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar In the discussion hall at the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, the activities of the National Forum on “Cybersecurity and the Challenges of Comprehensive Security in Algeria,” organized by the Social Development and Community Service Laboratory at the College of Social and Human Sciences. The forum was headed by the University Rector, Professor Omar Farhati, and the forum director, Professor Al-Azhar, was a guest. The activities of the second day were divided between scientific workshops through which the participating professors and researchers presented their various scientific interventions in the presence of doctoral students.
In the closing session, which was supervised by the Deputy Dean, Professor Shawqi Qadadra, the Head of the Social Sciences Department, Professor Bilal Boutraa, the Director of the Forum, Professor Al-Azhar Dhaif, and Dr. Al-Dhahabi Ibrahim, who recited the recommendations of the National Forum for Cybersecurity and Comprehensive Security Challenges in Algeria:
On May 14, 2024, there was a meeting of the recommendations drafting committee for the National Forum on Cybersecurity and Comprehensive Security Challenges in Algeria at the University of Shahid Hama Lakhdar El Oued, which was held on May 13/14, 2024, organized by the Social Development and Community Service Laboratory at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, and consisting of:
– Prof. Huwaidi Abdel Basset, El Oued University.
– Prof. Mustafa Sayej, University of Algiers3.
– Prof. Boutraa Bilal, University of El Oued.
– Prof. Dhaif Al-Azhar, Al-Wadi University.
– Dr. Tamgart Asmahan, University of Algiers3.
– Dr. Raqiq Abdullah, Al-Wadi University.
– Dr. Al-Dhahabi Ibrahim, Al-Wadi University.
The committee appreciated the efforts of the University of El Oued, headed by Professor Omar Farhati and the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Dr. Graysa Ammar, extending its thanks to the Head of the Social Development and Community Service Laboratory, Professor Dhaif Al-Azhar, and the members of the scientific, organizational, and media committees for organizing and making the activities of the National Forum, entitled Cybersecurity and Challenges, a success. Comprehensive security in Algeria, and this coincides with the interest of the higher education sector in the role of public policy and the national strategy for cybersecurity and digitization and the call of the President of the Republic to activate the link between cybersecurity and digitization within the outcomes of the Council of Ministers held on May 7, 2024. The committee also appreciated the openness of the university and the social development and community service laboratory. On the external environment and partnership with security institutions, Algeria Telecom, and civil society organizations in making this forum a success.
The committee also appreciated all the scientific contributions that influenced the forum in its basic themes related to:
-Theoretical foundation of cybersecurity
– Cybersecurity engineering through training, training, and the efforts of the Algerian state to confront cybersecurity threats, components of civil society, and cybersecurity culture.
– Obstacles and challenges of cybersecurity.
Accordingly, the committee recommends:
1/ Given the importance and vitality of the topic, it is proposed to upgrade the national forum to a regular forum to contribute to the national strategy in its awareness-raising dimension.
2/ Incorporating scientific materials to develop awareness in the field of cybersecurity.
3/ Emphasizing the role of socialization institutions in rationalizing the use of social media.
4/ Strengthening cybersecurity through the role of specialized agencies to prevent and combat cybercrime.
5/ Activating digital citizenship to enhance cybersecurity within the framework of values and national interest.
6/ Activating social awareness mechanisms and the roles of social and humanitarian disciplines in the field of cybersecurity.
7/ Adapting the legislative system for information systems to keep pace with the digitization society.
The director of the forum and the head of the Social Development and Community Service Laboratory extend his thanks to the Rector of the University, the Dean of the College, all the members of the scientific organizational and media committees, and all the participants, recalling the formative and research role of the laboratory and its teams and the importance of the Forum and the challenges of the current social situation. The Deputy Dean of the College, Professor Shawqi Qadadra, announces his thanks to the Regional Gendarmerie Group. National Security, the National Security of the State, the Directorate of Posts and Transport, and Algeria Telecom, who had valuable awareness-raising interventions and a distinguished partnership, and to all the participants and to all the committees watching over the success of the forum, to announce the conclusion of the work of the National Forum on Cybersecurity and Comprehensive Security Challenges in Algeria, and to honor the professors and participants.

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