El Oued University organizes the sixth international forum “Pattern Analysis and Intelligent Systems PAIS’24”

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El Oued University organizes the sixth international forum “Pattern Analysis and Intelligent Systems PAIS’24”

Today, April 24, 2024, the work of the sixth international conference on “Pattern Analysis and Intelligent Systems PAIS'24” began at the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar. The conference is organized over two days by the Department of Computer Science at the Faculty of Exact Sciences at the University of El Oued in the large lecture hall, Abu Al-Qasim Saadallah, and under the supervision of the university director, Professor Omar Farhati.
The forum was attended by the university vice-chancellors, the director of the Higher School of Desert Agriculture in El Oued, the deans, the faculty of exact sciences, members of the organizing and scientific committee of the forum, a number of distinguished scientific figures in the field of computer science and modern technologies, and lecturers from inside and outside the country, in person and remotely.
The Vice-Rector for Scientific Research, Professor Rahuma Farhat, opened the forum, welcoming the attendees and this important activity, wishing success for this event. His speech began with a moment of silence in memory of the martyrs of Palestine. The Dean of the College, Professor Abdel Wahab Mansour, also delivered a welcoming speech to the attendees, pointing out the utmost importance of the forum, hoping that the event would end with recommendations that would serve those concerned. The Chairman of the Forum, Dr. Abbas Masoud, gave an explanation of the forum, the most important points it will discuss, and its objectives. This was followed by the interventions, with the opening intervention by Professor Pr.Gregorio Diaz-Descalzo, entitled “Rout Planning in Intelligent Transportation Systems.”
This international forum aims to provide a multidisciplinary scientific space to discuss the latest developments in the fields of databases, including artificial intelligence and everything related to digital technology, especially increasing the university’s visibility by publishing research on the IEEE index, and enhancing cooperation and exchange of expertise between researchers at the national and international levels.
The forum's activities will continue until tomorrow, with workshops in which professors, researchers, and doctoral students will participate, and the forum's themes will be discussed in order to find answers to scientific questions.

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