El Oued University organizes a Labor Day party in honor of its professors and employees

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El Oued University organizes a Labor Day party in honor of its professors and employees

Today, April 30, the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar organized a Labor Day celebration in honor of the university’s professors and employees, in the Grand Lecture Hall, Abu al-Qasim Saadallah, under the supervision of the university’s director, Professor Omar Farhati, and in the presence of the university’s vice-chancellors, the university’s deans, the university’s general secretary, the director of university services, and the head of the services committee. Social and Sub-Directorate of Activities, guests of honor from Uzbekistan, Russia, Tunisia, university executives, professors and employees.
The celebration began with a speech by the Rector of the University, welcoming the attendees and congratulating the professors, employees and workers of the university on this immortal anniversary, May 1 of each year, thanking them for the efforts made in serving the university and advancing it. He congratulated all the professors who had been promoted and urged them to work hard and continue the journey, and through the president’s speech. Social Services Committee Dr. Hema Abdel Qader welcomed the attendees, saying: “Services are always at the service of their employees,” wishing everyone success.
The activity witnessed a tribute to the 41 professors who were promoted to professorships. The ceremony was presented and facilitated by Dr. Abdel Hamid Faraj. The ceremony included a first intermission with a song for the university entitled “Akram University,” presented by the employees of the General Secretariat of the University and the artist Qaddouri Salah El-Din. As for the second intermission,
It was “supplications in praise of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace,” and a third break in imitating the voices by the student Muhammad Mubarak Ashab.
Professors and employees were also honored, and the number of honorees among professors and employees reached 67 honorees, including former and current university deputies, deans of colleges, the director of the medical attaché, and those responsible for the university’s vision and union branches. Guests from Uzbekistan and Russia were also honored, and there was a drum for three people.

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