Al Wadi University organizes a training workshop on upgrading scientific journals

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Al Wadi University organizes a training workshop on upgrading scientific journals

Today, Monday, February 5, 2024, the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar organized a training session on the promotion of scientific journals in the conference and discussion hall of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, in the presence of the University Director, Professor Omar Farhati, and his deputy for foresight, head of the local committee for the promotion of the visibility and classification of the University of El Oued, Professor Amar Zaabi, and the vice-directors for pedagogy and external relations, and the Secretary-General of the University and the supervisor of the training workshop, Professor Said Younes, a professor at the University of Oran 2 and the ambassador of the Crossref Foundation in Algeria. The training workshop was attended by the deans of the faculties, editors-in-chief of the university’s journals, and laboratory directors.
The training workshop was opened by the University Director, who welcomed the attendees and thanked them for their efforts in leading the University of El Oued in the national classification of C journals with 26 journals, calling for challenges to be raised in order to upgrade the journals currently in the C category to the B classification in order to preserve the history of the journals and their scientific and research work, and to promote the visibility of the university and its scientific research and to enter international platforms such as ERIH PLUS, WOS, SCUPOS.
The head of the local committee for upgrading the university’s visibility and classification also made an intervention in which he urged his colleagues, the editors-in-chief of magazines, to join forces to achieve the B classification. He also explained that there are four magazines that are on their way to the B classification soon.
Dr. Younes Saeed began his speech by thanking the university director for his great and fruitful interest in classifying journals, explaining in his speech a definition of international classifications; types of classifications; method of indexing journals; classification of journals in Algeria; conditions for promotion in each category; types of international indexes and how they work and interact with them.

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