El Oued University signs a partnership agreement with Huawei to establish excellence academies in information and communication technology

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El Oued University signs a partnership agreement with Huawei to establish excellence academies in information and communication technology

Within the framework of the openness of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar El Oued and the strengthening of its international cooperation and the building of effective strategic and scientific partnerships in order to achieve the technical and economic development of our students, today, Saturday, April 27, 2024, the University President, Professor Omar Farhati, signed a strategic partnership agreement between the University of El Oued and the global Huawei company to establish the Academy of Excellence in Information and Communication Technology to integrate our students into the mechanisms of digitization and information and communication technology and to train students and professors in the Huawei Global Academy and implement its expertise at the level of the University of El Oued, where the agreement was hosted by the University of Ouargla. This agreement aims to embody the commitment of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to cooperate with Huawei and the recommendations of the Minister, Professor Kamal Baddari, to create successful companies that benefit Algerian students in the latest information and communication technologies.
The agreement included 12 universities and university centers in southern Algeria, namely: University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar El Oued, University of Kasdi Merbah Ouargla, University of Ghardaia, University of Laghouat, University of Tamanrasset, University of Biskra, University of Bechar, University of Adrar, University Center of the State of El Bayadh, University Center of the State of Naama, University of Tindouf and University Center of Aflou.
The agreement aims to develop the capabilities, skills and talents of our students, introduce them to the latest information and communication technologies, and provide specialized educational programs and technical lectures to develop the skills necessary for success in the technology industry and enhance innovation and scientific research.
It also provides opportunities for training and cooperation in research projects, in addition to promoting sustainable development by directing innovation towards technical solutions that contribute to improving the quality of life and social and economic development.
The signing ceremony was attended by the Director of the Regional Symposium of Eastern Universities, Mr. Mohamed El Hadi Latrach, and the representative of the Directorate of University Cooperation and Exchange at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. The agreements were signed on behalf of Huawei Algeria by Mr. LIU CHENGCHENG, Vice President and CEO of the company, and on behalf of the universities and university centers in the southern region by the university directors.
This agreement is a model for international cooperation that Algeria seeks in the field of technology, with the aim of benefiting from global expertise, developing its scientific and research capabilities, and serving our national economy.

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