In commemoration of Martyr's Day, Al-Wadi University organizes a scientific symposium on the Palestinian issue

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In commemoration of Martyr's Day, Al-Wadi University organizes a scientific symposium on the Palestinian issue

Today, February 21, 2024, the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, represented by the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Department of History, organized a scientific symposium on the Battle of the Flood of Al-Aqsa, its circumstances and repercussions.
The symposium was presented by specialists and experts in the field of international relations, law, media and history. The symposium was moderated by Professor Omar Farhati, Director of El Oued University, who presented an intervention entitled “Western positions towards the Zionist aggression on Gaza”, Professor Hamza Khadri, Professor of Law at the University of Algiers 1 and member of the High Authority for Transparency, Prevention and Combating Corruption, with an intervention entitled “Violations of the Zionist entity against the Palestinians in the balance of international justice”, Professor Rashid Khadir, Professor of Media at El Oued University, with an intervention entitled “Arab Media and the Aggression on Gaza”, and Dr. Jamal Zouari, Professor of History at El Oued University, with an intervention entitled “The Historical Dimension of the Algerians’ Relationship with the Palestinian Cause”. The symposium was moderated by media figure Abdel Razzaq Jalouli.
The seminar was opened by the Dean of the College, Dr. Ammar Ghraisa, who welcomed the University President, the seminar’s supervisors, and the attendees from the university’s cadres and the college’s family of professors and students, noting that the seminar comes within the university and college’s activities on the anniversary of Martyr’s Day.
Professor Omar Farhati, Director of El Oued University, will deliver an opening speech for the Martyrs’ Day celebrations, recalling their merits and sacrifices for the freedom and independence of Algeria. “Glory and immortality to our righteous martyrs,” announcing the opening of the scientific symposium “The Flood of Al-Aqsa: Circumstances and Implications.”
The symposium witnessed significant interaction and discussion between the supervising professors and the attendees, including professors, students, researchers and specialists.

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