Oued University and the National Employment Agency hold a preparatory meeting to establish the Job Search Committee (CRE)

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Oued University and the National Employment Agency hold a preparatory meeting to establish the Job Search Committee (CRE)

Within the framework of the efforts of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and under the supervision of the Rector of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, today, March 3, 2024, the Vice Rector in charge of External Relations, Dr. Mohamed Fouad Farhat, chaired the meeting, accompanied by the Secretary General of the University, Dr. Shawqi Mudallal, and in the presence of the official of the Entrepreneurship Development Center and the sub-director. The activities held a preparatory meeting with the frameworks of the National Employment Agency in the meeting room of the central administration.
The meeting was opened by the Vice Chancellor of the University, welcoming the attendees, noting the importance of the meeting dedicated to establishing a committee for job search (CRE) and accompanying university graduates by bringing the public employment facility closer to the training facilities by establishing job search clubs (CRE) at the university level. The Secretary General of the University also delivered a speech. Detailed explanations about what is needed to establish the joint committee between the National Employment Agency and the university that aims to accompany and guide students in the search for work (CRE), and to refine the culture of independence in the search process among our students, while the attendees discussed the process of establishing and organizing the “Job Search Clubs” committee.

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