The Director of the University of El Oued participates in the activities of the Algerian-Tunisian Border Universities Forum in the state of Tozeur, Tunisia

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The Director of the University of El Oued participates in the activities of the Algerian-Tunisian Border Universities Forum in the state of Tozeur, Tunisia

Within the framework of continuing the collaborative work and further activating the provisions of the scientific and research cooperation agreement between the Algerian Republic and its Tunisian counterpart, today, Monday, April 29, 2024, the Director of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar-El Oued, Professor Omar Farhati, participated, along with the Director of the Higher School of Desert Agriculture in El Oued, Professor Habib Qadda, and the Vice-Director of the University for Development and Prospecting, Professor Ammar Zaabi, in a meeting that included officials of the Tunisian-Algerian border universities.
This meeting, organized by the University of Gafsa in the Tunisian state of Tozeur, is the fourth of its kind in a series of meetings scheduled between officials of Algerian and Tunisian border universities within the framework of the 5 + 5 agreement.
The main theme of the meeting was the innovative and entrepreneurial university.
The meeting was attended by the presidents of the universities concerned by the agreement, in addition to the governor of Tozeur and the general secretary of Gafsa governorate on behalf of the governor, as well as the representative of the Algerian consul in Gafsa governorate, in addition to some invitees from Libyan university officials, headed by the director of Sabratha University, the president of Nalut University, and representatives of Sirte University.
In his speech to the audience as coordinator of Algerian universities within the framework of the 5 + 5 agreement, Professor Omar Farhati praised the efforts made by the University of Gafsa to organize this meeting and provide the conditions for its success. He also referred to the depth of the relations that historically unite the Algerian and Tunisian peoples and the deep-rooted social ties between the two countries, recalling the unity of the two peoples during the liberation revolution.
He also discussed the issue of expanding the scope of the agreement to include five Libyan universities in the near future, and the name will become 5+5+5, as a natural outcome of the meeting of the heads of state of the three Algerian, Tunisian and Libyan countries, which was recently held in the sisterly state of Tunisia. Professor Omar Farhati presented a summary of the indicators of the projects launched by the ministry, including incubators, entrepreneurship support centers and digitization, then he touched on the statistics that distinguished El Oued University, especially in the field of patents and supporting students in start-up projects according to Resolution 1275.
It is worth noting that the meetings will continue on Monday and Tuesday, April 29 and 30, 2024, and will include a set of topics aimed at coordinating efforts between the various universities to create a positive basis for developing projects that fall within the framework of the interests and goals of the universities subject to the agreement.

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