Participation of the University of El Oued in the regional symposium for Eastern universities on selecting the best doctoral students for the year 2024/2025

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Participation of the University of El Oued in the regional symposium for Eastern universities on selecting the best doctoral students for the year 2024/2025

Today, April 28, 2024, the Vice-Rector of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar in charge of scientific research, Professor Rahouma Farhat, participated via videoconferencing in the work of the regional symposium of the universities of the East on the selection of the best doctoral students for the year 2024/2025 in the three approved axes: energy security, food security, and citizen health at the national level. The meeting, which was held in the meeting hall of the central administration, was attended by the Vice-Deans of the three faculties: the Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences, the Faculty of Exact Sciences, and the Faculty of Arts and Languages; as well as the heads of the doctoral project formation teams in the open doctoral departments.
Al Wadi University participated with 11 students and two foreign students.
This meeting included a series of discussions, the presentation of all points and proposals related to the agenda, the study of all observations and the coordination process.
The meeting included the following agenda: submission of the best doctoral thesis and formation of executive committees.
In addition to providing an explanatory explanation of the method of communication between the heads of doctoral schools and the heads of the doctoral training committee, with the uploading of their project files via the Progress platform within the specified deadlines.

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