Discussing the doctoral thesis of the distinguished student and the youngest doctoral student nationally, Ben Omar Elham, at the University of El Oued

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Discussing the doctoral thesis of the distinguished student and the youngest doctoral student nationally, Ben Omar Elham, at the University of El Oued

Today, May 5, 2024, the doctoral thesis was discussed by the student Ben Omar Ilham, majoring in chemical engineering, at the Faculty of Technology at the University of Shahid Hama Lakhdar El Oued, entitled “Synthesis and characterization of metal nanoparticles by chitosan.”
She is considered the youngest student in the third year and the first national student. She has an abundant scientific production, represented in many scientific articles exceeding 35 articles in prestigious classified journals, scientific contributions exceeding 10 international and national contributions, four national patents registered in INAPI, research projects, and a book entitled “Promising Applications.” For nanotechnology.”
The University Rector, Professor Omar Farhati, attended the discussion with his Deputy for Scientific Research, the Dean of the Faculty of Technology, the Director of the Research Unit, and the faculty administrators and students. The discussion committee was formed from Professor Ammar Ben Maya as Chairman, Dr. Mohamed Fouad Farhat as discussant, Dr. Marzouki Abdel Karim from the University of Biskra as discussant, and Dr. Iman Qawadri. From the University of Guelma, discussing, and supervised by Dr. Hammami Hadia and her assistant, Professor Salah Eddine Laouini.
In his opening speech, the University President praised the outstanding efforts of the student, who is a model of giving, will, and academic performance, hoping that these models would be a positive addition to the university, wishing her every success.
This study aims to recycle animal organic waste and convert it into economic value, water treatment and environmental protection, biomass and green chemistry, and biological applications.
The committee decided to grant the student a third-year doctorate degree in the Engineering Methods Division, specializing in Chemical Engineering, with a rating of “Very Honorable.”

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