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A preparatory meeting for the international multidisciplinary doctoral forum at the University of the Valley
Today, February 1, 2023, the Vice-Rector of the University of Chahid Hama Lakhdar, in charge of scientific research, Professor Boubacar Mansour, accompanied by the Vice-Rector in charge of external relations, Professor Qeda Al-Habib, held a coordination meeting on preparations for the international training forum for doctoral students. He brought them together with the deputy deans of the faculties, the sub-director of activities, the engineer, Eid Kenioa, and a group of Professors and researchers in the central meeting hall.
The Deputy Vice Chancellor for Scientific Research opened the door for dialogue with the attendees about the importance of the multidisciplinary international doctoral forum at the University of the Valley according to a research strategy that is in line with the Ministry’s directions in the field of digitization and what is related to artificial intelligence.
The meeting set specific dates for preparations and distribution of tasks.
The University's Deputy Rector for External Relations also stressed the importance of the scientific event as it is national and international and with the participation of important scientific and research figures for the benefit of doctoral students at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar and in all Algerian universities.
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