The Secretary-General of the University of the Valley holds a coordination meeting with the Secretaries-General to follow up on university admission

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The Secretary-General of the University of the Valley holds a coordination meeting with the Secretaries-General to follow up on university admission 


Today, Monday, August 28, 2023, the Secretary-General of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar Chawki Mudallal held a coordination meeting with the Secretaries-General within the framework of following up on university admission 2023/24 and in accordance with the recommendations of the University Rector, the Secretary-General received during the meeting all the data related to logistical preparations to ensure good university entry. Distinguished, the Secretary-General provided all the necessary directions to complete the operations related to the cleanliness of the educational structures and provide all good conditions for receiving students and the quality of their studies. He also stressed the follow-up of general discipline and respect for working hours for all employees, as well as the process of disbursing financial funds.
 The General Secretaries of the colleges expressed their full response, readiness and commitment to ensure university entry in the best conditions, as we always do, at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar and its cooperative and distinguished university family, students, professors, employees and workers.










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