Mr. Governor of El Oued State supervises the opening of the new building for the administration of the departments of the College of Islamic Sciences

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Mr. Governor of El Oued State supervises the opening of the new building for the administration of the departments of the College of Islamic Sciences

On Wednesday, 03/06/2024, the governor of the state, Mr. “Al-Saeed Akhrouf,” accompanied by the President of the State People’s Assembly, Ezzedine Hosni, the Director of the University of Shahid Hama Lakhdar Al-Wadi, Professor Omar Farhati, and the state’s executives from the civil, military, and judicial authorities, supervised the inauguration of the new building to manage departments for the College of Islamic Sciences. At Al-Wadi University.
The college’s guests were received by the Dean, Professor Ibrahim Rahmani, who explained to the attendees the goals and values of the college in promoting the values of national identity and the principles of centrism and moderation. The Dean was also accompanied by his deputies, heads of departments and departments, and their assistants. The new facility includes the administration of: the Department of Fundamentals of Religion, the Department of Islamic Civilization, and the Department of Sharia. Each department benefited from four new offices, in addition to other additional facilities such as the reception and guidance office, and a hall dedicated to the audio-visual studio.

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