El Oued University hosts the celebration of World Day for Freedom of Expression and Press

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Valley University hosts the celebration of the World Day for Freedom of Expression and the Press

The governor of the state, Mr. Al-Saeed Akhrouf, this morning, May 2, 2024, accompanied by the head of the state People’s Assembly, Mr. Ezzedine Hassani, supervised the celebration of the World Day for Freedom of Expression and the Press at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar Al-Ouadi, and the discussion hall of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences hosted the celebration in the presence of the members of the security committee, the revolutionary family, and the presidents. The departments, Mr. Vice Chancellor for Scientific Research, Professor Farhat Rahouma, Mr. Dean of the College, Dr. Ammar Gharaysa, university executives, elected officials, civil authorities, the university family, executives and employees from various institutions, and the media family.
On this occasion, Mr. Governor congratulated the entire media family on the World Day for Freedom of Expression and Press, which falls on May 3 of each year, and Professor Muhammad Saeed Aqib presented an intervention on the history of journalism in the liberal revolution. On this occasion, the media family was honored by Mr. Governor of the state for their efforts and the important role they play. For the benefit of the state.

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