El Oued University participates in a national workshop on professional academic training in the field of medical physics

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El Oued University participates in a national workshop on professional academic training in the field of medical physics

On May 6-7, 2024, at the headquarters of the Atomic Energy Prefecture, Martyr Hama Lakhdar University participated in a national workshop on academic/professional training in the field of medical physics. The workshop was organized within the action plan that was approved at the high-level meeting on training and qualification in medical physics in March. 2024 at the Atomic Energy Prefecture. The workshop was also part of the roadmap prepared by the intersectoral working group to guide investment in nuclear technologies for medical uses in June 2023.
The university delegation was represented by Dr. Ahmeem Rashid and Dr. Latim Fathi, the latter of whom, in his capacity as head of the medical physics specialty, highlighted the efforts of the University of El Oued and its approach to teaching this specialty, considering it a new model that relies heavily on cooperation with the economic and social environment, represented in this case by hospitals. Public and private clinics. Teaching this specialty required cooperation with researchers from the Nuclear Research Center in the capital, as well as specialized doctors from the cancer control center in the state, and with the recommendations of the university director, Professor Omar Farhati, the university provided all the capabilities and appropriate conditions for visiting and collaborating professors. Here, the representative of the University of El Oued highlighted the university president’s keenness on the success of this project and his personal support to overcome the difficulties and achieve the best conditions for the smooth running of the project.
He also explained the importance of the applied and practical aspect in this specialty and how the University of El Oued gave this aspect great importance, which was represented by conducting an important part of the training within the Cancer Control Center in El Oued. The students also conducted field training outside the state, especially the training that is conducted every year at the Nuclear Research Center in the capital. As well as the training that was conducted at the University Hospital in Batna.
After that, both the Governor and the Director of the Nuclear Research Center in the capital, in cooperation with the University of El Oued, praised it as a model and called on the rest of the universities to emulate it. The University of El Oued, represented by its president, Professor Omar Farhati, and the Atomic Energy Governorate, represented by the Governor, Dr. Abdel Hamid Mallah, had previously concluded a framework agreement between the two bodies, which included various forms of cooperation.
During the two days of the workshop, university representatives also worked to communicate with various bodies and partners, to discuss opportunities for cooperation and expanding the specialization to include radiation therapy, nuclear medicine, as well as medical imaging, and other issues.

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