The University of El Oued organizes a scientific symposium on cultural media in Algeria

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The University of El Oued organizes a scientific symposium on cultural media in Algeria

Today, February 21, 2024, Chahid Hama Lakhdar University, represented by the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Department of Media and Communication, organized a scientific symposium on cultural media in Algeria, roles and objectives. The symposium was presented by the cultural media worker, Abdel-Razzaq Jalouli, a journalist at the Algerian Cultural Radio and owner of multiple cultural programs, and Dr. Abdullah Raqiq, professor of political sociology, responsible for the media and communication cell at the university, and head of the media and communication department, Dr. Qadda Hamza. The symposium was attended by the Dean of the College, Dr. Ammar Gharaisa, and the heads of the university. Departments at the college level, a number of specialized media professors, and a group of media students at the college.
The symposium discussed the role of cultural media in promoting the values of national identity and the goals of the nation’s social values. It also presented technical topics in classifying media topics. A discussion was opened between the symposium facilitators and the attendees, including specialists, professors and students, about the cultural roles of the media, the multiple cultural media tasks, and the field of work in the media and cultural field.
At the conclusion of the scientific symposium, the journalist Abdel Razzaq Jalouli extended special thanks to the University Rector, Professor Omar Farhati, for his efforts in activating the cultural movement in its various axes at the university level with all its components. He also praised the role of the Dean of the College, Dr. Ammar Gharaysa, and the entire college family for this distinguished effectiveness.

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