The Director of the University of the Valley chairs a coordination meeting to upgrade the classification and visibility of the university

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The Director of Al-Wadi University chairs a coordination meeting to upgrade the university’s classification and visibility

Today, Tuesday, May 28, 2024, the Rector of the University of Shahid Hama Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, supervised a consultative coordination meeting regarding upgrading the university’s classification and visibility, in the presence of the Deputy Director for Pedagogy, Professor Bashir Manai, for External Relations, Professor Mohamed Fouad Farhat, and for Development and Foresight, Professor Ammar Al-Zoubi, and the General Coordinator of the University Classification and Visibility Project, Professor Tair Zuhair, the Network and Digital Officer, the Media Director, professors, specialized employees, and researchers.
When he opened the meeting, the university director asked, before the meeting began, to pause for mercy and read the opening of the book to the soul of our colleague, brother Professor Bakkar Hariz Al-Orabi.
The meeting began with a speech by the Director, who saluted and thanked the continuous work of the team and the cooperation of the entire university family in order to promote the university. He explained the importance of the project and transferred the floor to Professor Ammar Zoabi, Chairman of the Visualization and Classification Committee, who spoke about the university’s efforts in the process of classifying journals into category B and including some journals in the databases. Globalization and presenting the most important difficulties and steps that the university takes for classification.
Professor Abdul Karim Rabiei also gave a presentation on the progress of the journal that he is editor-in-chief and spoke about the most important measures that were taken to classify the journal internationally, especially in Scopus and Clarivat rules. Some concerns related to publishing in university journals were also discussed. Dr. Abdel-Rahman Khashkhoush, editor-in-chief of Energy Tika magazine at the University of the Valley, also provided an intervention regarding the steps that the magazine followed in order to enter one of the international classifications, especially in the Scopus database, hoping that the magazine will proceed at an effective pace in order to enter the Scopus database. Professor Mukhtar Qadiri presented his presentation. The editor-in-chief of Al-Manhal magazine, specializing in Sharia, gave a presentation on the mechanisms of promotion and classification. The director stressed that the university is keen to keep up with and accompany all journals seeking to enter these international classifications. Professor Zuhair Teir also spoke about the measures that can be taken in order to develop the visibility and classification of the university and journals. .
Let the Director convey the floor to his deputy for exploration to talk about the Audiovisual and Printing Center, which is the center that was recently activated at the University of the Valley, and which will play a role in the process of creating media content at the university.
The head of the Audiovisual and Printing Center, Mr. Abdel Wahab Jiruni, presented the most important proposed projects in order to activate the audiovisual media side of the center.
The Deputy Director for Foresight also added about the most important awards that were recently proposed at the University of the Valley and their organizational procedures.
Then the speech was given by the general coordinator of the digital transformation and international classifications project, Professor Zuhair Tair, who gave a detailed technical presentation on the international classifications, especially Webometrics and the Arab QS, as well as the Times classification. He spoke about the tasks of the Audiovisual Center, as well as the Visual Identity Committee and the University Media Center, as well as all the necessary measures to improve and develop. University website
Finally, the University President thanked all the committees and members for their efforts in developing, improving and upgrading the university’s classification and visibility, stressing the importance of the project that the university is undertaking.

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