Ibsar Club of the University of the Valley participates in the activities of the International Children’s Day celebrations

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Ibsar Club of the University of the Valley participates in the activities of the International Children’s Day celebrations
The Ibsar Club for Sustainable Development at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar El Oued participated in the activities of the International Children’s Day celebrations, which fall on June 1 of each year, in coordination with the Governorate of the local cultural festival of the state, the Reading Festival, the Directorate of Social Activities, the main library for public reading, the Mujahid Dr. Muhammad Al-Taher Al-Adwani, the Directorate of Culture, and the House of Culture. Muhammad Al-Amin Al-Amoudi, where the members of the Ibsar Club for Sustainable Development at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, in the presence of the Secretary-General of the state, the Vice-President of the State People’s Council, the local and security authorities, and all the participants, introduced the club and its awareness goals, environmental service, and sustainable development projects, and this is what the university’s major goals are aimed at. He also introduced the students to migratory birds in the Wadi Suf region, the role of children in protecting wildlife, and explained ways to achieve this in order to preserve the environment and achieve the goals of environmental education for sustainable development in the region.

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