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During 2013, Dubai announced its vision to be the capital of the Islamic economy. Islamic principles play an essential role today in the global business environment, as the size of the Islamic economy has reached approximately 2.3 trillion US dollars, with a growth in the Muslim population reaching 1.6 billion people.

In support of this vision, the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry seeks, through one of its strategies, to promote and support the growth of the Islamic economy globally. In line with this strategy and under the generous patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai - may God protect him - the Chamber, in cooperation with Thomson Reuters, launched the World Islamic Economy Summit during the year 2013.

This summit introduced the concept of a cohesive Islamic economy to all individuals in the world, as this annual summit became a platform for more than 2,000 decision-makers and business leaders with the aim of communicating and discussing important issues that affect the seven pillars of the Islamic economy: Islamic finance, halal industries, halal tourism, and economics. Islamic digital, Islamic arts, Islamic standards and certificates, and Islamic teachings.

During the period 11-12 October 2016, Dubai will host the third session of the World Islamic Economy Summit, where the summit will focus on social responsibility, the concept of endowments, and the principles of charitable work as a basis for commercial activities.

  • During 2013, Dubai announced its vision to be the capital of the Islamic economy.
  • Islamic principles play an essential role today in the global business environment
  • The size of the Islamic economy reached about 2.3 trillion US dollars
  • With growth in the Muslim population reaching 1.6 billion people.

In support of this vision, the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry seeks, through one of its strategies, to promote and support the growth of the Islamic economy globally. In line with this strategy and under the generous patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai - may God protect him - the Chamber, in cooperation with Thomson Reuters, launched the World Islamic Economy Summit during the year 2013.

This summit introduced the concept of a cohesive Islamic economy to all individuals in the world, as this annual summit became a platform for more than 2,000 decision-makers and business leaders with the aim of communicating and discussing important issues that affect the seven pillars of the Islamic economy: Islamic finance, halal industries, halal tourism, and economics. Islamic digital, Islamic arts, Islamic standards and certificates, and Islamic teachings.

During the period 11-12 October 2016, Dubai will host the third session of the World Islamic Economy Summit, where the summit will focus on social responsibility, the concept of endowments, and the principles of charitable work as a basis for commercial activities.

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