20 scholarships at Insubrie University, Italy

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20 scholarships at Insubrie University, Italy


The University of Insubrie in the Lombardy region of Italy has announced the opening of applications for 20 scholarships for the academic year 2024-2025 for the benefit of foreign students to complete their university studies, as the study period is set at two years and a financial grant of 5,000 euros annually.
The scholarship offer is intended for foreign students who wish to continue their studies at the undergraduate or master’s level, which will be taught in Italian or English. It should also be noted that The deadline for submitting applications and submitting files via the university portal has been set for May 31, 2024.  https://www.uninsubria.it
Students are kindly requested to fill out the participation form in the following link https://www.univ-eloued.dz/b_insubrie
note :
  •  It is necessary to register via the two platforms: the application link and the grant link.
  • Please follow the steps in the attached file.
Call 24-25

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