Showing 157-160 of 1414 results

Anadolu University Scholarship - Türkiye - Erasmus+

October 20, 2022

Anadolu University Scholarship - Turkey - Erasmus+ Within the framework of Erasmus+ cooperation and exchange, Valley University announces an offer of a scholarship to the Turkish Anadolu University for employees and professors in the following specializations: - Economics. -Rights. -english language. -French language. Number of positions: 2 (1 for professors/1 for employees) Duration: 7 days Required file: Category of professor: A CV in English CV with scientific publications A copy of a passport valid for at least more than 6 months A certificate proving proficiency in the English language (extracted from the Intensive Language Education Center Teaching content does not exceed two pages (teaching content) Information form (attached to the announcement) Category of employees: Curriculum vitae in English CV Motivational letter in English Certificate of proof of control over…

Local training course at the University of the Valley within the framework of the Algerian-European program ESAGOV 

October 20, 2022

Local training course for the University of the Valley within the framework of the Algerian-European program ESAGOV Within the framework of the European program ESAGOV, the Vice President of the University Directorate for External Relations organized on March 16, 2022 the first local training course in person for the benefit of professors and employees of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar - El Oued - by the directors of this European training program. The course was opened by the University’s Vice Chancellor in charge of External Relations, Professor Dr. Habib Qadda, and the training was initiated by Dr. Melody Mounir, Dr. Fares Assadi, head of the University’s Quality Cell, and also Dr. Atka Garghout, where the first session focused on the process of defining and creating education indicators. This training course will continue until March 29, 2022, where at the end of the course, students will obtain…

In implementation of the Foundation’s project work plan, the Vice President of the University Directorate for External Relations organizes an awareness day at the College of Social and Human Sciences.

October 20, 2022

In implementation of the Foundation’s project work plan, the Vice President of the University Directorate for External Relations organizes an awareness day at the College of Social and Human Sciences. On Tuesday, November 10, 2020, the College of Social and Human Sciences hosted a media day on the Foundation and Governance Project in the presence of the University’s Vice Rector for External Relations, Professor Habib Qaddah, Dean of the College of Social and Human Sciences, Professor Abdul Rahman Turki, Quality Assurance Cell Officer, Professor Fares Esadi, professors and doctoral students at the incubating college and the College of Natural and Life Sciences. In his speech during the media day, the University’s Vice Chancellor for External Relations called on the audience to submit proposals related to preparing the project among the university’s components, including students and professors, and to actively contribute to the project. turn…

 كلية الآداب واللغات تحتضن الأيام الإعلامية حول مشروع المؤسسة ومشروع ESAGOV

October 20, 2022

 كلية الآداب واللغات تحتضن الأيام الإعلامية حول مشروع المؤسسة ومشروع ESAGOV تواصل نيابة مديرية الجامعة للعلاقات الخارجية تنظيم سلسلة الأيام الإعلامية حول مشروع المؤسسة وبرنامج ESAGOV الهادف الى تحسين وتعزيز النهج المتبع في جودة الحوكمة في قطاع التعليم العالي حيث احتضنت اليوم الثلاثاء 03 نوفمبر 2020 كلية الآداب واللغات فعاليات اليوم الاعلامي لفائدة أساتذة وطلبة الدكتوراه بكلية الآداب اللغات ومعهد العلوم الاسلامية وتضمن اليوم الاعلامي جملة من المداخلات العلمية تمحورت حول دور خلية ضمان الجودة  افاق مشروع المؤسسة ،والتعريف بمشروع ESAGOV وأهدافه وعلاقته بالمحيط. ونوه المحاضرين بدور الفاعل لمشروع المؤسسة وبرنامج ESAGOV وضرورة تفعيله وتقديم المقترحات الضرورية للمساهمة في صياغة …