Showing 49-52 of 1412 results

Announcement regarding publication in A and A+ journals

October 5, 2023

—————————————————————————————– People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Research Martyr Hama Lakhdar University - El Oued UNIVERSITY OF EL OUED Announcement regarding publication in A and A+ journals In accordance with the directives of the University Rector regarding publication in the most prestigious international journals, we remind professors and unpaid doctoral students that they can directly benefit from the short-term mobility program abroad in Status: - Publishing in Fields A: for those affiliated with the fields of social sciences and humanities. – Publishing in A+ fields: for those affiliated with the fields of science and technology. The University Rector attaches importance to…

11 male and female students and a supervising professor from Uzbekistan will study the Arabic language at the University of the Valley soon on October 8th.

October 5, 2023

  On October 8th, 11 female students, male and female students, and a supervisory professor from Uzbekistan will arrive at the University of the Valley. Soon, on October 8th, the Faculty of Arts and Languages at the University of Shahid Hama Lakhdar will receive 8 female students, 3 male students, and a supervisory professor from the Arabic Language Department at the University of All World Languages in the Republic of Uzbekistan, with which it is linked. At the University of the Valley, a twinning and partnership agreement was concluded in the field of mobility, student exchanges, pedagogy, and scientific research. Today, October 4, 2023, the University Rector, Professor Omar Farhati, held a coordination meeting dedicated to organizing the process of receiving and accommodating guest students and reviewing the pedagogical program prepared to teach them the Arabic language and literature. The meeting was attended by all parties...

اجتماع لتنظيم عملية الإطعام للطلبة الخارجيين وموظفي جامعة الوادي

October 5, 2023

  اجتماع لتنظيم عملية الإطعام للطلبة الخارجيين وموظفي جامعة الوادي       أشرف اليوم 4 أكتوبر السيد مدير جامعة الشهيد حمه لخضر البروفيسور عمر فرحاتي على اجتماع تنسيقي لتنظيم عملية الإطعام في المطاعم الجامعية للطلبة الخارجيين وموظفي الجامعة من إداريين وأساتذة. وجرى الاجتماع بحضور السيد مدير الخدمات الجامعية والأمين العام للجامعة والشركاء الاجتماعيين المتمثلين في رئيس المكتب الولائي للنقابة الوطنية المستقلة لمستخدمي التعليم العالي ومنسق المجلس الوطني لأساتذة التعليم العالي فرع جامعة الوادي ومنسق الفرع المحلي للأساتذة الجامعيين للجامعة ومنسق الفرع المحلي للاتحاد العام للعمال الجزائريين للجامعة. وقد شدد السيد مدير الجامعة خلال اللقاء على الأهمية التي توليها الجامعة …