Showing 5-8 of 1400 results

An English language club for Valley University professors

November 29, 2023

An English language club for professors at El Oued University. Today, November 28, 2023, a group of professors specializing in the English language at Hama Lakhdar University initiated the establishment of the “English Language Professors Club” during a session supervised by Professor Mekki Darraji, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Science, in the presence of the founding professors. The establishment of the “English Language Club for Professors” comes within the framework of implementing the outcomes of the Regional Symposium for the East, which has been stressing the spread and promotion of the English language in the university community. This club took the college's legal and political transformations laboratory as its headquarters. During the meeting, the Dean of the College pledged to provide all material and moral means to make this initiative a success, which will be added to the university’s records of success, and in implementation, as he said, of instructions…

Serbia Scholarship for Professors

November 29, 2023

Serbia Scholarship for Professors After the selection process held at the Vice Rectorate for External Relations for the staff Mobility to the University Of Kragujevac. Serbie on Thursday, November 16th, 2023 The committee has selected the following Staff: Dr. TIR Zoheir Reserve List: Dr. LABIOD Choaib Dr. ALLAL Abderahim  

Riga Latvia Scholarship

November 29, 2023

Riga Latvia Scholarship After the selection process that was held at the Vice Rectorate for External Relations for the student's Mobility to Riga Technical University.Latvia The meeting took place on Sunday, October 8th, 2023 The committee has selected the following students: ELHADJ AHMED Oussama GUEDDA AHMED SALMI CHAIMA OMRANI Rania FETTAH Khaled