Showing 13-16 of 1400 results

Announcement about registration in the Academic Mobility Program at El Oued University

December 17, 2023

—————————————————————————————– اعلان حول التسجيل في برنامج الحركية الاكاديمية بجامعة الوادي         تنهي نيابة مديرية الجامعة للتكوين العالي في الطورين الاول والثاني والتكوين المتواصل والشهادات وكذا التكوين العالي في التدرج الى علم طلبة السنة الثالثة ليسانس و السنة الاولى ماستر عبر كافة جامعات الوطن عن فتح باب التسجيل في برنامج الحركية الاكاديمية للطلبة على مستوى جامعة الوادي ابتداء من 10 ديسمبر 2023للدراسة في السداسي الثاني للموسم الجامعي 2023/ 2024 بجامعة الوادي فعلى الطلبة المسجلين بإنتظام في جامعات اخرى داخل تراب الوطن والراغبين في مزاولة دراستهم الاطلاع على القرار رقم 207 المؤرخ في 01 نوفمبر 2023 الذي يحدد الدليل المرجعي …

Conclusion of the International Forum “The Artificial Intelligence Revolution - Challenges and Prospects” at the University of the Valley

December 14, 2023

Conclusion of the International Forum “The Artificial Intelligence Revolution - Challenges and Prospects” at the University of the Valley The activities of the International Doctoral Forum were concluded today, December 13, 2023, after three days of scientific interventions, workshops, and competitions, which were activated by professors, researchers, specialized experts, and doctoral students who came from the host university and from several universities from within the country. And outside. The closing ceremony was supervised by the University Rector, Professor Omar Farhati, in the presence of the forum’s participating guests from Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, the Sultanate of Oman, Jordan, Britain and France, in addition to his deputies, the Director of the Higher School of Desert Agriculture, the representatives of the Ministry’s General Directorate of Scientific Research, the deans of colleges, the Secretary General of the University, the university family, and professors. Doctoral students from…

The Director of El Oued University inaugurates the English Language Professors Club and the Legal Consultation Clinic

December 14, 2023

The Director of the University of the Valley inaugurates the Professors’ Club for the English Language and the Legal Consultation Clinic. The work of the International Doctoral Forum on its third day witnessed the launch of the University Rector in Sabiha in the Legal Consultation Clinic and the English Language Club at the Faculty of Law and Political Science. He was accompanied in this process by an important delegation of participants in the forum, in addition to the Director of the Higher School of Desert Agriculture, the Deputy Directors, the Deans of the Colleges, and the members of the two clubs. The Director, accompanied by the delegation, inspected the facilities of the two clubs and exchanged conversations with their members, where he encouraged them to move forward in implementing the goals of the two clubs in the service of the students and professors of the university, and pledged to provide all capabilities to make the mission of the two clubs a success. Event photo album...

A meeting to prepare the twinning agreement between the University of the Valley and the University of Sirte in Libya

December 14, 2023

A meeting to prepare the twinning agreement between the University of the Valley and the University of Sirte in Libya. Today, December 13, 2023, Mr. Director of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, held a preparatory meeting brought together by an official delegation to conclude a twinning agreement with the University of Sirte in Libya, represented at the meeting by the Vice President of the University of Sirte, Professor Al-Tayeb Muhammad Al-Qabi, accompanied by Professor Salah Jabbara, head of the Social Responsibility Center at the same university. The meeting was attended by the Chairman of the National Committee for Follow-up of Twinning Agreements, Professor Qeda Al-Habib, the Director of Evaluation and Analysis at the General Directorate of Scientific Research and Technology, Professor Khatima Ait Oudiyah, the Sub-Director of the General Directorate of Research, Development and Technology, Professor Loussif Sayad Mohamed, and Messrs.