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The Director of the University of the Valley inspects the headquarters of the Center for Physical-Chemical Research and Analysis

January 11, 2024

The Director of the University of the Oued inspects the headquarters of the floor of the Center for Research and Physical-Chemical Analysis, Mr. Director of the University of Chahid Hama Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, this evening, January 10, 2024, inspected the headquarters of the floor of the Center for Research and Physical-Chemical Analysis located at the University Pole in the Martyrs’ neighborhood in the city of El Oued. The university rector was accompanied on the inspection tour by his deputies for external relations, development and forecasting, the director of the Higher School of Agriculture and its general secretary, the center’s official, Dr. Sarouti Abdel-Ghani, the director of means and equipment, the head of the means and inventory department, and the engineer in charge of following up on the center’s project in the Development and Foresight Directorate. The University Rector inspected the sites for preparing the center’s facilities, especially the three laboratories. It is a method and industrial engineering laboratory...