Showing 1-4 of 1401 results

The start of the second semester lessons at the University of the Valley in very good conditions

January 21, 2024

The start of the second semester lessons at the University of the Oued in very good conditions Today, January 21, 2023, at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, the in-person lessons for the second semester for the academic season 2023/2024 began with directed and applied work in very good conditions under the supervision of the University Rector, Professor Omar Farhati. The Vice Rector of the University of the Oued In charge of pedagogy, Professor Bashir Manai, accompanied by the deans of the colleges and the administrative and pedagogical staff, made an inspection visit to the colleges and departments, where he observed the good progress of the lessons. The horizontal subject lessons had also started yesterday, Saturday, after the study timetables were distributed to the students and professors after announcing the students’ grades. Point previews also start during…

The launch of the second session to train and accompany newly employed professors at the University of the Valley

January 21, 2024

The launch of the second session for training and accompanying newly employed professors at the University of the Valley. The second session for training and accompanying newly employed professors at the University of Chahid Hama Lakhdar was launched today, Saturday, January 20, 2024, in the Grand Lecture Hall, Abu Al-Qasim Saadallah, and under the supervision of the University Rector, Professor Omar Farhati, and in the presence of the trained professors and the head of the training department, Ghawal. Faiza, Mr. Bakari Noureddine, and all the 217 professors, in addition to the 17 professors at the Higher School of Desert Agriculture. The training of newly employed teachers was also organized on the first day of the second session, which was programmed in the evening periods by Professor Ghamri Ali and Dr. Zakaria. I led and pivoted...

Conclusion of the training course on “SIRH Information System for Human Resources”

January 21, 2024

Conclusion of the training course on “The Information System for Human Resources SIRH” Today, January 18, 2024, the training course for the employees of the University of Chahid Hama Lakhdar on the “Information System for Human Resources SIRH” organized by the Sub-Directorate for Users of the University, headed by Dr. Qais Abna and the Head of the Training and Improvement Department, Ms. Fayza Ghawal, in coordination with Souf Academy at the Golden Ghazal Resort, the course aimed to improve the level of employees at the University of the Valley and to keep pace with the modernization of administrative management. The training course was framed by Dr. Ashour Lakhdar, who focused during the training on the governance of managing the users’ path, improving the level, updating information, and knowledge of the information system for various human resources. Photo album…

Electing Professor Mekki Draghi to the office of the Algerian Network for Transparency “We See You”

January 21, 2024

The election of Professor Mekki Draghi to the office of the Algerian Network for Transparency “We See You” The head of the Supreme Authority for Transparency and Prevention and Combating of Corruption, Dr. Salima Masrati, on Tuesday, January 16, 2024, at the Higher Institute of Management and Planning, and in the presence of members of the Council of the Supreme Authority and its executives, supervised the appointment of members of the Committee of the Algerian Network for Transparency “We See You”. And her office. The University of Chahid Hama Lakhdar - El Oued - was represented in the category of research institutions by Professor Mekki Daraji, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, for the laboratory of public policies and improving public service in Algeria, and Dr. Harrach Ahlam, for the laboratory of international legal transformations and their repercussions on Algerian legislation. In addition to the inauguration process, members of the Bureau of the Algerian Network for Transparency “We See You” Committee were elected. Where members were elected…