55th International Training Programme on Standardization and Conformity Assessment

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55th International Training Programme on Standardization and Conformity Assessment

55th International Training Program on Standardization and Conformity Assessment

at National Institute Of Training For Standardization (bis)

We are pleased to inform you that applications are now open for the 55th International Training Program on Standardization and conformity assessment Which is organized by Standards Authority of India (BIS) In cooperation with National Institute for Standardization Training (NITS) In India. The programme will be held from 20 November 2024 to December 3, 2024.

Program objective:

  • Provide comprehensive knowledge about the organization and functions of the National Standardization Body (NSB) covering the areas of standardization, metrology, World Trade Organization (WTO), testing, certification, laboratory accreditation, and quality management.

Target group:

  • Professionals or officials with at least 10 years of experience Years In the fields of standardization, quality assurance, environment, food safety, occupational health and safety.

Registration and required documents:

  1. Registration via the website: https://www.itecgoi.in/.
  2. Fill out the electronic registration form available on the website.

Submission and deadlines:

  • After registering on the website, please fill out the following form to confirm your registration and share your information: Registration confirmation link.

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