Ministerial decision to open the departments of media and communication and history at Al Wadi University

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Ministerial decision to open the Media and Communication and History departments
 At the University of the Valley

The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Professor Abdel Baqi Ben Ziane, issued a ministerial decision to open two new pedagogical departments at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar; namely the Department of Media and Communication and the Department of History.

The new Ministerial Resolution No. 771 dated July 6, 2022, which includes the establishment of new departments forming the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, stated that the approval of the two new departments was based on the minutes of the meeting of the Restructuring Committee held on April 17, 2022. The Ministerial Resolution indicated in its second article that the Department of Media and Communication and the Department of History are added to the two previous departments of the Faculty, namely the Department of Social Sciences and the Department of Human Sciences, bringing the total number of departments of the Faculty to four.

These two new departments will facilitate the administrative and pedagogical care of students and will also help relieve the pressure on the Department of Human Sciences, which was responsible for the care of media and communication students and history students. The Faculty of Social and Human Sciences is the first faculty at the university in terms of student numbers, with more than 4,800 students, with the number of media and communication students reaching 950 students, distributed between 700 undergraduate students and 250 master's students. As for history students, their number is estimated at around 800 undergraduate students and more than 600 master's students, which opens up new future horizons for students in third-stage training and scientific research; since these two new departments are open to doctoral training tracks in media and communication and history.


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