University Scientific Council

It is headed by the President of the University and consists of Vice-Presidents of the University, Deans of Faculties, Presidents of the Scientific Councils of Faculties, and members elected by the Faculties and professors.

The University Scientific Council provides opinions and recommendations regarding:

  • Annual and multi-year schemes for university training and research.
  • Projects for establishing, modifying or dissolving colleges, institutes, departments and, when necessary, annexes, research units and research laboratories,
  • National and international scientific exchange and cooperation programmes.
  • The outcome of training and scientific research at the university.
  • University cooperation programs with various social and economic sectors.
  • University scientific events programmes.
  • Measures to exploit research results.
  • Budgets and projects for the acquisition of scientific and technical documents.

It proposes directions for the university's research policies and scientific and technical literature.
The Council also gives its opinion on all issues with a pedagogical and scientific dimension that are assigned to it by its president.

The University President informs the Board of Directors of the opinions and recommendations issued by the University Scientific Council.

The University Scientific Council holds two meetings during the year in regular sessions.
The Council may meet in an extraordinary session, based on a summons either from the Minister in charge of Higher Education, the President of the Council, or upon a request from two-thirds of the Council members.

The Scientific Council consists of:

  • University's president.
  • Vice Presidents.
  • Deans of colleges.
  • Heads of the scientific councils of colleges.
  • Responsible for the university's central library.
  • Representatives of professors from each college are elected from among the professors who belong to the highest degree.
  • Elected representatives from the faculty body.
  • Two external figures, they are professors at other universities.

The Council may invite any persons whose competence can be useful to the work of the Council.