Tourism literature and its role in cultural investment is the subject of an international forum at Al Wadi University

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Tourism literature and its role in cultural investment is the subject of an international forum at Al Wadi University
The “International Forum on Tourism Literature and its Role in Cultural Investment”, whose activities began today, November 15, 2022, and will last for two days at the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, discusses the relationship between literary arts of a tourism nature and activating cultural investment, establishing a cultural institution, and encouraging tourism.
This scientific event is organized by the Faculty of Arts and Languages of the University through the Research Laboratory in Algerian Literature and its Criticism, the Laboratory for Cognitive Integration between Arabic Language Sciences, Literature and Social Sciences, and the Research Group on Tourism Discourse in Algerian Literature.
Announcing the official opening of the forum, the University Director, Professor Omar Farhati, welcomed the guests of the forum, including professors and researchers from inside and outside the country, executives and students. The University Director highlighted the importance of this scientific event, which is directly linked to tourism and culture, which enables the university to provide its scientific contributions in the service of tourism and cultural investment, pointing out the importance of the role of the university student and improving his training in the scientific research and pedagogy circle, revealing the achievements and successes achieved by the University of El Oued in recent years, pledging to provide all support to ensure the success of the forum.
The Director of Tourism in the Valley gave a speech on the occasion, during which he stressed the importance of linking the relationship between the tourism sector and the university, pointing out that his sector had previously benefited from the contributions of university professors in activating tourism paths in the state, calling for strengthening this strong relationship between the two sectors in other related fields.
For her part, the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Languages, Professor Dalal Washan, confirmed that this scientific forum, which is being held in the Abu Al-Qasim Saadallah Grand Lecture Hall, is the first of its kind in the history of the Faculty of Arts and Languages, considering the nature of its topic, which is new in the field and falls within the framework of the university’s openness to its social and economic environment and activating the university’s role in local development in all its aspects.
The forum aims - according to the head of the forum, Dr. Nawal Boumaza - to restore consideration to the role of literature in developing social, cultural and economic structures, and to activate the presence of the Faculty of Arts and Languages, with its Arabic, English and French departments, in activating the cultural, social and economic movement in general, while emphasizing the strong relationship between culture, tourism literature, investment and tourism. She also confirmed that the forum will discuss a number of important topics directly related to tourism literature and cultural investment, including literary and cultural tourism between travel literature and tourism literature, tourism imagination, tourism discourse in Algerian, Arab and foreign literary texts, in addition to the axis of popular literature and its role in activating local and foreign tourism, the axis of the relationship between literature and religious tourism and the role of translation in tourism promotion.
The forum witnessed the participation of about 80 interventions by professors and researchers from Algerian and Arab universities from Egypt, the Sultanate of Oman, Iraq and Palestine. The interventions were distributed between in-person scientific sessions, research workshops, interventions via video conferencing, and reading the recommendations at the conclusion of the forum’s work on the second day and honoring the participants, with a special honor for one of the active figures in the scientific field and administrative management represented by the former Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Languages, Professor Masoud Ouakad.
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