The business incubator of the University of the Valley meets owners of economic institutions

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The business incubator of the University of the Valley meets owners of economic institutions
On February 7, the Technological Business Incubator of the University of Chahid Hama Lakhdar, in coordination with the Center for Technological Support and Innovation, organized a study day on the subject of trademark and industrial property rights, the work of which was supervised by the Director General of the National Institute of Industrial Property Belmahdi Abdel Hafeez, along with the Head of the Patent Department, Youssef Zayan. The meeting was also attended by the Director of Industry and a number of economic traders
The event was opened by Mr. Shawqi Mudallal, the University’s Secretary General, on behalf of the University’s Rector, Professor Omar Farhati. On the occasion, he delivered a speech in which the audience conveyed the university’s Rector’s welcome to the owners of economic institutions, noting that this meeting falls within the university’s openness to its economic and social environment. He also thanked them for answering the invitation. Wishing success for their work. The director of the incubator, Dr. Farhat Muhammad Fouad, also presented a card on behalf of the owners of economic institutions, in addition to organizing a technical exhibition on the sidelines of the event.
The Director General of the National Institute of Industrial Property, along with the Head of the Patent Department, presented two interventions on a number of points that concern economic traders with regard to the legal and ethical aspects, the concept of the patent, industrial property rights, and the trademark, and how to protect them from a legal standpoint.
On this occasion, the National Institute of Industrial Property distributed about 100 new trademarks to economic operators, authenticated by the aforementioned institute.
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