Sheikh of the Tijaniya Order, Dr. Muhammad Al-Eid Al-Tijani, congratulates the Director of the University of the Valley, Professor Omar Farhati

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Sheikh of the Tijaniya Order, Dr. Muhammad Al-Eid Al-Tijani, congratulates the Director of the University of the Valley, Professor Omar Farhati


The Sheikh of the Tijaniya Order, Dr. Mohamed Al-Eid Al-Tijani, congratulated the Director of the University of Shahid Hama Lakhdar - El Oued - Professor Omar Farhati on the success of the Second National Forum “The Role of Civil Society in Preserving Algerian National Security” held on March 6, 2023 at the University of El Oued and the Zaouia Tijania in Gammar, and this is the text of the congratulations. :


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