A coordination meeting for Algerian and Tunisian border universities under the framework of the 5+5 agreement

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A coordination meeting for Algerian and Tunisian border universities under the framework of the 5+5 agreement

A meeting was held today, Tuesday, April 18, by the Vice Rector of the University of Chahid Hama Lakhdar - El Oued - for External Relations and Cooperation, Professor Guda Al-Habib. A coordination meeting was held via remote lecture technology with the deputy directors and presidents of the Algerian and Tunisian border universities under the framework of the 5+5 agreement. The meeting touched on many points, especially the final touches to the meeting program scheduled at the University of Jendouba on the 11th and 12th of next May, where many proposals were made. One of the points in order to achieve the terms of the agreement
Frame. As a reminder, the meeting will witness the signing of 25 twinning agreements between Algerian universities and their Tunisian counterparts



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