Erasmus Plus scholarship to study for a semester (starting October 2023) from the Serbian University of Kravovac for doctoral students

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Erasmus Plus scholarship to study for a semester (starting October 2023) from the Serbian University of Kravovac for doctoral students
A scholarship to study a semester ( winter semester ) at the University of Kraguejevac, Kragujevac Serbia under Erasmus KA107 for PhD students 
The application was announced by the University of Kragujevac (Serbia) to Algerian Universities under Erasmus KA 107 Programme and fully funded by the European Union 
 The courses offered are :
Mechanical Engineering
Military Industrial Engineering
Urban Engineering
Computer Engineering and Software Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Philology (language and literature)
For more details please visit the following link
– Registration link on Google Form:
Please be informed that final selection will be from the Serbian university .
-Deadline is: July,20 th,2023





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