The first national initiative - a delegation of Al Wadi University professors travels to Britain for training in the English language

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 The first national initiative - a delegation of Al Wadi University professors travels to Britain for training in the English language
In line with the directives of the Ministry of Education to support the use of the English language in teaching, the University of El Oued took the initiative to send a delegation of its professors within the framework of the short-term mobility program abroad for training in the English language.
The delegation of professors from the University of El Oued was officially received at Regents University London in a welcoming ceremony attended by the Vice President of the British University, Dan Lanigan, the Director of Global Management, Elias Boukrami, the Director of the Regents School of English, and all its administrative staff. The ceremony included speeches by the Director of the Institute, who confirmed that this was the first time that a delegation had been received for training in the English language from Algeria, and the Vice President of the University, who confirmed the possibility of opening the way for more cooperation in the field of training with the University of El Oued. Professor Hisham Gharbi also gave a speech representing the professors from the University of El Oued, and Professor Elias Boukrami gave a speech by the Chargé d'Affaires at the Algerian Embassy in London.
This process is considered the first of its kind nationally, and we await the dispatch of a second group and its expansion next year to include a greater number of professors and doctoral students.









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