Conclusion of the training course on “SIRH Information System for Human Resources”

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Conclusion of the training course on “SIRH Information System for Human Resources”
Today, January 18, 2024, the training course for the employees of the University of Chahid Hama Lakhdar on the “Information System for Human Resources (SIRH)” organized by the University’s Sub-Directorate of Users was concluded.
Headed by Dr. Qais Abna and Head of the Training and Level Improvement Department, Ms. Faiza Ghawal, and in coordination with the Souf Academy in the Golden Ghazal Resort, the course aimed to improve the level of employees at the University of the Valley and to keep pace with the modernization of administrative management.
The training course was framed by Dr. Ashour Lakhdar, who focused during the training on the governance of managing the users’ path, improving the level, updating information, and knowledge of the information system for various human resources.










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