El Oued University participates in the third national historical symposium in Tamasin corner

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Valley University participates in the third national historical symposium at Tamsin Corner

Today, May 4, 2024, the Rector of the University of Chahid Hama Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, participated in the opening of the works of the third national historical symposium entitled: The Algerian-French negotiations organized by the Tijaniya Zaouia Tammasin with the participation of the Universities of the Valley and the Universities of Ouargla.
The works of the scientific historical symposium were opened by the honorable Mr. Professor Dr. Muhammad Al-Eid Al-Tijani, Sheikh of the Tijaniya Zawia in Tamasin, the owner of the purposeful national historical scientific initiative.
Professor Omar Farhati, Director of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, also presented a scientific statement in which he touched on the Algerian diplomatic efforts during the glorious liberation revolution and the power of the Algerian negotiator in preserving national unity, restoring every inch of Algerian soil, and preserving the integrity and message of the martyrs. Glory and eternity to the righteous martyrs
The symposium witnessed scientific interventions from various Algerian universities and professors from the Department of History at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Professor Attia Abdel Kamel, Director of the symposium, and Professor Redouane Chafo.

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