Agritech challenge 2024

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Agritech challenge 2024

From the project cadre “Innovation Development in Agrobusiness in Algeria (Innov-Agro)”, the Ministry of Economic Development, Start-up and Micro-Enterprises The AgriTech Challenge 2024 on June 3, 2024 on July 27, 2024.

This conference will be used to promote technological enterprises in agricultural domains, agro-alimentary and agricultural transformation in Algeria.

This initiative enables the ports and ports of important projects on the development of innovative solutions (products, services, console installations, prototyping, etc.) on one side or more. The main themes suivantes:

  • Introduction to new technologies in the translation of agricultural products and agricultural products : The online translation of the product, the price of new risks from internal agricoles, the digitalisation of product indications, the digitalisation of internal production and the transformation of agricoles and the integration of coresponsible products, the application The blockchain technology for the ability to produce products that guarantee transparency and security in the alimentary application chain, etc.

  • Introduction to new technologies in the trees of plants : The detection of plant maladies, the development of innovative solutions for rationalization of the use of chemical treatments in cultures, the use of biotechnological techniques to develop crops that are resistant to maladies, ravageurs or capable of adapting to other conditions Environments, the integrity of the plant and the biology of maladies, etc.

  • Introduction to new technologies in agriculture and comprising the gestion of water and irrigation: The use of innovative technologies, captains and equipment (robots, drones,…) to view agricultural conditions (example: soil, environment, cultures, detail,…) and internal production methods. The transformation of agricole (example: seeds, engrais, pesticides,…), the use of massive donation analysis (Big Data) to plan the agricole, the connection between various agricole equipment via the Internet to collect and share donation at certain times. Really, it allows you to use more effective resources, précision agriculture in the water irrigation system, digital solutions for detecting similar cultures in water irrigation.

  • Introduction to new technologies in the agricultural industry (hydroponie): The generation of culture has been working hard to respond to the defenses of the industry, the optimization of the use of water irrigation during the period of use of grease control systems, the recycling and the use of water. Irrigation to eliminate water consumption, advanced technology integration (humidifier caps, real-time monitoring systems) for a limited amount of hydraulic resources, minimization of large quantities of nutrition, etc. Promotion of a durable and resilient agriculture to climate change.

The innovation development project in Algeria's Agrobusiness (Innov-Agro) is co-financed by the European Union and the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and published by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH (Cooperation Allemande).

The ports and ports of project selections that participate in 06 juillet au 08 juillet 2024 To an intensive bootcamp to develop advanced solutions, you will be able to access and integrate with them quickly and easily. 13 juillet 2024 au 26 juillet 2024 by experts. s pendant les 2 semaines Suivantes afin de parfait leurs solutions. At the end of the programme, the participant offers solutions to an expert jury. He is charged with choosing 4 players who are beneficiary of a national or international training in the national or international staff of the 5th Innovation-Agro Company. jours.

The ports and ports of the projects in all the vegetables and animals so many advanced themes and present the competitions and necessary experiences and ayant of the innovative, viable and permanent projects An intermediate stage in the maturité technique and a model of offers and a degree of scalability of suitable clairs Please share this programme. They are invited to present new candidatures 15 juin 2024 Please follow the instructions on the Apple website to participate.

L'évaluation des candidats This will be used at the base of the notification system and use the information you have received:

  • Pertinence: Critère d'exclusion (The projects responding to the themes of the challenge are eligible to participate)
  • Valeur ajoutee:10 %
  • Innovation:20 %
  • Facilitation:25 %
  • Scalability potential:15 %
  • Equipment (to focus on the project and the equipment profiles):30%

From the notification system base, 6 themed projections (24 projections) will invite you to use a lower pitch to align the selection jury. 01 juillet 2024

There are 24 projects, 12 projects will be selected for the AgriTech Challenge 2024 programme.

These projects will provide information about your selection 03 juillet 2024.

Bonne chance!

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