Program de Bourse “Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA)” 2025-2026

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Program de Bourse “Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA)” 2025-2026

Chers enseignants universitaires,

We ask you to inform us of the program “Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA)” for the University of the Year 2025-2026, in collaboration with the Embassy of the États-United States of America in Algeria. This prestigieux program offers three markets for English teachers who are proficient in the classical Arabic language, in writing and in oral language, to enable the development of their educational competencies, and the application of their techniques. États-Unis, et d'améliorer leur linguistique expertise.

The selections of selected speakers provide a unique opportunity to use the Arabic language in schools, colleges or American universities all in the same way as English courses and American culture.

Conditions of eligibility:

  • It is important in English in Algeria.
  • Have an excellent master of the classical Arabic language, as long as it is written in oral language.

Duration of the market:

  • New (09) months

Candidate limit date:

  • September 5, 2024

For more information on the admission conditions and candidature dossier, please consult the attached information file. Candidates must be opened before the date limit.

For any question concerning the FLTA programme, please contact: [email protected]

We encourage you to participate in this exception program and share this information with your professional professionals.

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